
Why and for what Donate?
Your donation is very supportive to keep the project alive and expand it to serve many more migrants and refugees who leave Haiti due to insecurity, the lack of employment to transit or settle in countries such as Chile, Brazil, the United States, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Canada…with different languages, education and culture. Thus, to promote orderly, safe and regular migration and guide towards social and economic integration when in destination countries.
Thanks to your funds, it has been possible to scale this project to 4 new countries (Chile, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico and the Dominican Republic); delivering more information to migrants and refugees.
- Generate and translate content for the App and social networks
- Have the App in iOS version (for IPhone): Here
- Redesign the App, adding 4 more countries: Here
- Redesign Website, adding 3 languages:
- Serve migrants and refugees who contact us
- Help carry out legal immigration procedures
- Support migrants to find work or start a business
- Do training for migrants and refugees
- Guiding migrant and refugee talent
- Manage and maintain the platform (App, Website and Social Networks)
Donations can be received from a number of secure and easy-to-access methods and formats, such as:
- Zelle: 1 941 807 5910
- Cashap: $jbmarck
- Global Given:
- MonCash : 509 36 29 6424
- Paypal: Here
- Yodono (Chile) : Here